Wednesday 25 November 2015


A lesson plan is very important to each and every teachers in school. It helps the teachers to guide the students. In a lesson plan has many contents such date, time, class, proficiency, number of students, subject, background knowledge, learning outcomes, learning objectives, teaching aids, and also the stages of lesson plan. 


As a teacher, the most important part in lesson plan is the stages. The stages is the most important part and it has 5 stages or sometimes it less than 5 stages, depends on the activities. It contents set induction, pre-, controlled practice, further practice, production, and closure. If the teacher wanted to teach the students Mathematics with give some activities, she can follow these stages to complete her task. 

 In a set induction, the teacher will warm up the students before moving to the main lesson. Secondly, the teacher will explain the rules and usage of the lesson. Thirdly is controlled practice which is to identify whether the students understand bout that particular topic by asking questions and also give some activities. After that, further practice, in this stage the teacher's intention is to see whether the students are able to cooperate with each in order to complete the task given by the teacher. The next stage is production which the teacher is to check whether the students understand and correct them if they made mistake. Lastly is closure, which the teacher summarize the lesson of the day and seek feedback from the student of what they have learned today.

These things always helps teachers to conduct the class. If a teacher use these stages in their lesson plan they will save more time and also can complete the task in a particular time.

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