Tuesday 15 December 2015


What is classroom management? Does anyone know about classroom management and whom will be managed it?

Let me explain about the classroom management. Classroom management is one of the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom. It creates both the best situation in which the students can learn and the teacher can teach. Most of the classroom teachers will use classroom rules to discipline their class students. As a classroom teacher i do classroom rules in order to discipline my class students. 

Classroom Rules 
1. Class duty roster 
       I ask the class monitor to do class duty roster in order to clean the class everyday. In this duty roster will have the students name and the duties which they must do every time they enter the class and leave the class. Before doing the duty roster the class monitor should discuss with their classmates. The duties like sweeping, cleaning the white board and windows, arrange the tables and chairs.

2. English Day 
    Every Thursday is English day which every students must speak in English. It will improve the proficiency level among students. So they can easily communicate with other students or others. If the student is not speak in English they will be fine. Every single will pay 20 sen and that money go to the class monitor who going to collect it as class money.

3. Mini library
    In my classroom, should have a mini library at the back of the classroom. Students can put some story books and dictionary on that table or cupboard. So, in their free time they can read it or refer to dictionary if the want to. It may not wasting the students time in talking if their teacher is not coming or late to enter the class. 

4. Class Slogan
     I will create a slogan for my class in order encourage them. They must follow the slogan and it will boost the students to study hard.

5. Homework
     The homework which given by the teacher must complete and submit it on time or they will be punished by doing extra work.

6. Foods 
    Foods and drinks are not allowed in classroom. This is because students won't concentrate on what the teacher is teaching in front. Besides that, they do throw the waste in classroom. 

7. Always follow directions and listen to the teacher.
      Students should focus on what the teacher is teaching in front. So, they can follow the flow of the their topic and not to miss anything. It will make the students do well in their exams. 

8. Respect other learners by not disrupting 
     Students should not disturb other classmates while they are studying or doing homework.

9. Be supportive when in group
      Students should be supportive when they are in group. Students should help each other while doing any group works.

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