Wednesday 16 December 2015


MOCK TEACHING............
In my opinion mock teaching is how a future teacher is going to teach the students in future and how the will manage their time to teach and what they going to teach and what school of thought they going to use when they teach.

As I have assignment, I am preparing for mock teaching and started with my lesson plan. My mock teaching is only for 30 minutes. I have an idea to teach the form 1 students. I am going to teach them the first topic of their mathematics subject which is whole number. I am going to use my power point slide to teach my students. I prepare handouts with notes and also contents two exercises. In this case, i will teach them the place value, digit value, and rounding off as well. For the exercises, I prepare them questions based on  place value, digit and rounding off. I think it will be the easiest topic ever. For the first, ten minutes i will teach them the whole number and the will ask them to do the exercises. After the that, i will discuss the answers with the students which i called out their names and ask them to write the answers on whiteboard. Then, i will recap what we learn and ask them whether the questions are easy. finally, i ask them to go through the next topic. So, it will be easy for them to ask questions on what the do not understand. 

I wish, my students will coorprate with me while i am doing mock teaching. I hope i can do the best. Wish me luck. 


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