Monday 28 December 2015


During this course, i have discovered  how to be a up-to-date teacher. As a teacher we should be up-to-date and can well explain to the students. I learned to do lesson plan and it will help me in future. I can do my own lesson plan for my class.

In this course, i did blog which i shared about myself, my philosophy on my future career, blogging which my lecturer ask us to create a blog it is a part of our assignment and it is helpful. Besides that, i also shared the perfect methods in teaching, we did lesson plan which our lecturer help us. At first, she asks us to do our own lesson plan first and than she will check. We discussed on what should be in a lesson plan and should not be stated in lesson plan. Our lecturer showed us the sample of lesson plan. It is very helpful for us to complete our second assignment which we have to do three lesson plans. We successfully done our second assignment. Furthermore, i also shared the important part in lesson plan. In a lesson must have 5 stages. After that, did the classroom management which i put a classroom rules in order to discipline the students. I also shared how i prepared for mock teaching and i choose my friend's mock teaching is the best.

These things will be very helpful. As a future teacher, i must know how to conduct a class and also know how to handle both parents and teachers. We should accept the environment and get ready to change.

I wish i will be a up-to-date teacher and i can handle my students. From here, i would like to thank madam. Ng Huey Zher. She is my lecturer who is supportive. She taught us a lot and we as a students learned a lot and show us the right path.

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