Monday 28 December 2015


During this course, i have discovered  how to be a up-to-date teacher. As a teacher we should be up-to-date and can well explain to the students. I learned to do lesson plan and it will help me in future. I can do my own lesson plan for my class.

In this course, i did blog which i shared about myself, my philosophy on my future career, blogging which my lecturer ask us to create a blog it is a part of our assignment and it is helpful. Besides that, i also shared the perfect methods in teaching, we did lesson plan which our lecturer help us. At first, she asks us to do our own lesson plan first and than she will check. We discussed on what should be in a lesson plan and should not be stated in lesson plan. Our lecturer showed us the sample of lesson plan. It is very helpful for us to complete our second assignment which we have to do three lesson plans. We successfully done our second assignment. Furthermore, i also shared the important part in lesson plan. In a lesson must have 5 stages. After that, did the classroom management which i put a classroom rules in order to discipline the students. I also shared how i prepared for mock teaching and i choose my friend's mock teaching is the best.

These things will be very helpful. As a future teacher, i must know how to conduct a class and also know how to handle both parents and teachers. We should accept the environment and get ready to change.

I wish i will be a up-to-date teacher and i can handle my students. From here, i would like to thank madam. Ng Huey Zher. She is my lecturer who is supportive. She taught us a lot and we as a students learned a lot and show us the right path.

Sunday 27 December 2015


I prefer the way my friend Denslee taught. He taught economic subject. During his class, he used reciprocal method to teach economics. Before start, he recap the lesson that he taught in last class. He did asks questions to students which he picked randomly. 

It is interesting when he did note on sugar paper and pasted on the whiteboard before started the lesson. He had put the related pictures to the topic. At the middle of the sugar paper, he pasted about the sectors.

After that, he explain about the topic a bit and than he picked student randomly and asked them to read what he had pasted on that paper.

Furthermore, I like his notes which he did himself. Its creative and easy to understand. He did it like a small book. In that notes he also put exercises according to the topic. 
This is the second page of the notes. It contains the contents of sub topics and exercises as well. The page next to contents is the notes for subtopic. It is easy to understand. 

The page after the subtopic is exercise for the subtopic. This activity we did it in a group and than we discuss the answers.

He also did a power point slides for further explanation on that particular topic. This made us understand what he taught


The thing he should avoid, when he discuss the answer he must ask the students to answer and ask them to share it with other friends which how he get the answers. When the students discuss at the same time they will tell how they get the answer if it is wrong the teacher can correct them. The teacher also know where did the student made mistakes. Overall, i totally like his teaching.

As a future teacher, he has that initiative to do notes, slides, and materials for his students to understand the topic. I can follow his methods to teach mathematics. So, this would make students to easily understand. He will be the best teacher in future. I wish him all the best for his future career. You can do the best. 

Wednesday 16 December 2015


MOCK TEACHING............
In my opinion mock teaching is how a future teacher is going to teach the students in future and how the will manage their time to teach and what they going to teach and what school of thought they going to use when they teach.

As I have assignment, I am preparing for mock teaching and started with my lesson plan. My mock teaching is only for 30 minutes. I have an idea to teach the form 1 students. I am going to teach them the first topic of their mathematics subject which is whole number. I am going to use my power point slide to teach my students. I prepare handouts with notes and also contents two exercises. In this case, i will teach them the place value, digit value, and rounding off as well. For the exercises, I prepare them questions based on  place value, digit and rounding off. I think it will be the easiest topic ever. For the first, ten minutes i will teach them the whole number and the will ask them to do the exercises. After the that, i will discuss the answers with the students which i called out their names and ask them to write the answers on whiteboard. Then, i will recap what we learn and ask them whether the questions are easy. finally, i ask them to go through the next topic. So, it will be easy for them to ask questions on what the do not understand. 

I wish, my students will coorprate with me while i am doing mock teaching. I hope i can do the best. Wish me luck. 


Tuesday 15 December 2015


What is classroom management? Does anyone know about classroom management and whom will be managed it?

Let me explain about the classroom management. Classroom management is one of the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom. It creates both the best situation in which the students can learn and the teacher can teach. Most of the classroom teachers will use classroom rules to discipline their class students. As a classroom teacher i do classroom rules in order to discipline my class students. 

Classroom Rules 
1. Class duty roster 
       I ask the class monitor to do class duty roster in order to clean the class everyday. In this duty roster will have the students name and the duties which they must do every time they enter the class and leave the class. Before doing the duty roster the class monitor should discuss with their classmates. The duties like sweeping, cleaning the white board and windows, arrange the tables and chairs.

2. English Day 
    Every Thursday is English day which every students must speak in English. It will improve the proficiency level among students. So they can easily communicate with other students or others. If the student is not speak in English they will be fine. Every single will pay 20 sen and that money go to the class monitor who going to collect it as class money.

3. Mini library
    In my classroom, should have a mini library at the back of the classroom. Students can put some story books and dictionary on that table or cupboard. So, in their free time they can read it or refer to dictionary if the want to. It may not wasting the students time in talking if their teacher is not coming or late to enter the class. 

4. Class Slogan
     I will create a slogan for my class in order encourage them. They must follow the slogan and it will boost the students to study hard.

5. Homework
     The homework which given by the teacher must complete and submit it on time or they will be punished by doing extra work.

6. Foods 
    Foods and drinks are not allowed in classroom. This is because students won't concentrate on what the teacher is teaching in front. Besides that, they do throw the waste in classroom. 

7. Always follow directions and listen to the teacher.
      Students should focus on what the teacher is teaching in front. So, they can follow the flow of the their topic and not to miss anything. It will make the students do well in their exams. 

8. Respect other learners by not disrupting 
     Students should not disturb other classmates while they are studying or doing homework.

9. Be supportive when in group
      Students should be supportive when they are in group. Students should help each other while doing any group works.

Sunday 29 November 2015

An Effective Power Point Presentation

Power point presentation is for all ages. Especially students and teachers. Teachers use power point slides to explain and teach the students, so it can help students to a better understanding. But, sometimes this power point slides can become boring to students which the teachers use slides for every day class. Students easily get bored when they see a long paragraph. Based on my experience, I easily get bored when the teacher only teacher read through the slides without giving any chances to students to participate in class. My Business teacher always did this in our class session.

            To Make An Effective Power Point: 

1. Keep background design minimal 

2. Use real related pictures and avoid cartoon

3. Starting with using an interesting approach like asking the students to guess from a picture what their lesson would be like.

4. Fonts Century Gothic with font size 20 - 25 is the proper fonts to use in power point slides.

5. Avoid using the whole cover, just crop the important element only ( if you going to show the cover of a book.

6. To make it easier to read, make each point in different slides and do not cramp everthing in one slides.

7. Use Malaysia style examples that would be understood both by rural and urban area students.                                                    

Watch this Video :

By the way, I would like to say thank you to my friend Sherrene because on this session I was absent for some reason. She taught me the methods to make an effective Power Point slides. I learnt how to do an effective Power Point from now.


Wednesday 25 November 2015


A lesson plan is very important to each and every teachers in school. It helps the teachers to guide the students. In a lesson plan has many contents such date, time, class, proficiency, number of students, subject, background knowledge, learning outcomes, learning objectives, teaching aids, and also the stages of lesson plan. 


As a teacher, the most important part in lesson plan is the stages. The stages is the most important part and it has 5 stages or sometimes it less than 5 stages, depends on the activities. It contents set induction, pre-, controlled practice, further practice, production, and closure. If the teacher wanted to teach the students Mathematics with give some activities, she can follow these stages to complete her task. 

 In a set induction, the teacher will warm up the students before moving to the main lesson. Secondly, the teacher will explain the rules and usage of the lesson. Thirdly is controlled practice which is to identify whether the students understand bout that particular topic by asking questions and also give some activities. After that, further practice, in this stage the teacher's intention is to see whether the students are able to cooperate with each in order to complete the task given by the teacher. The next stage is production which the teacher is to check whether the students understand and correct them if they made mistake. Lastly is closure, which the teacher summarize the lesson of the day and seek feedback from the student of what they have learned today.

These things always helps teachers to conduct the class. If a teacher use these stages in their lesson plan they will save more time and also can complete the task in a particular time.

Thursday 12 November 2015


A Lesson Plan is developed by a teacher guide class learning. It is very important to each and every school teachers to guide their students and also getting know their students level of studies. It might help the teachers to improve their teaching  level as well.  

As a teacher i prefer to use a lesson 
plan as the list below.


  1. DAY / DATE
  3. VENUE
These contents are need to be in a lesson plan. So, the teacher 



It can be done at differently, depends on the teacher's creativity, how they are going to conduct the class with activities. From this Lesson Plan teachers can know their students levels and also helps the teachers to improve on teaching. 

Before start the class, the teachers must know what they are going to teach the students. Where they going to teach, sometimes teachers prefer outside the class. What materials are needed for their teaching. What teaching method the teacher going to be used.